Dichiaro ufficialmente cominciata la mia dieta, sento che scriverlo in un luogo pubblico (per quanto virtuale) mi aiuterà a capirlo.
Ma non vi preoccupate, voi non c’entrate niente, i dolcini rimarranno presenti grazie a scatti realizzati nel periodo in cui ho fatto finta che io e la bilancia non ci si conoscesse, periodo che poi è la causa della tristissima affermazione di benvenuto di caponzi ( il “pocanzi” in casa mia è morto anni fa in un attacco di cretinaggine acuto, osserviamo un minuto di silenzio).
Ad ogni buon conto, i biscotti che propongo oggi sono canestrelli, lo giuro, ma non avevo la loro peculiare formina a fiore e quindi li ho fatti tondi, ma giuro che sono loro!
La ricetta viene dal suo blog ed è stata una scoperta: non so voi, ma io l’uovo sodo l’avevo usato solo nelle insalate! Epperò si vede che finora è stato sprecato, perché nei biscotti da una friabilità che non si riesce ad ottenere in nessun altro modo, provare per credere!
Ricetta dei canestrelli (tratta dal blog "Chi ha rubato le crostate")
300 g di burro
125g zucchero a velo
250g farina
250g di Maizena
5 tuorli sodi
2g di sale
1g di vanillina
Ricetta per la glassa (assolutamente facoltativa, il mio era solo un esperimento su pochi biscottini, gli altri li ho lasciati nature, perchè nascono per essere goduti semplici semplici, con una spolverata generosa di zucchero a velo)
200 gr zucchero a velo
6 cucchiai d'acqua
colorante rosso in polvere
Prima di tutto dovete setacciare i tuorli. Scegliete un setaccio dalla maglia non troppo fine, altrimenti starete ore e ore e il tuorlo non si setaccerà facilmente (tratto da una storia vera).
Unite farina, maizena, sale, vanillina e il burro tagliato a tocchetti piccoli. Dovete comportarvi come fareste con qualsiasi altra frolla, quindi mescolate il burro alla farina solo con i polpastrelli, per evitare di riscaldarlo troppo, fino a formare dei "cornflakes-sized pieces", come direbbe Jamie Oliver, ovvero non vi aspettate un prodotto omogeneo ancora, ma sbriciolato.
A questo punto aggiungete lo zucchero e l'uovo setacciato, compattate e pressate l'impasto per ottenere la frolla. Lo so, non ci sono liquidi ad unire gli ingredienti, ma abbiate fede! Come tutte le frolle che si rispettino, questa va in frigo per almeno mezz'ora, tempo in cui potreste pensare di preparare la glassa che vedete nella foto dei miei canestrelli anarchici e per la quale bisogna solo mescolare con una frusta lo zucchero a velo con l'acqua e pochissimo colorante.
Preriscaldate il forno a 170°.
Tirate fuori la pasta, lasciatela un pò fuori dal frigo per farla rilassare e stendetela su un piano infarinato. Deve essere spesso almeno un centimetro eh, se non posso avere la forma del fiore, almeno lo spessore peculiare di questi biscottini lo voglio! =)
A questo punto formare i biscotti con la forma che più vi piace.
Infornare a metà altezza del forno per circa 20 minuti e abbiate pazienza, cuociono un pò di più rispetto a molti altri biscotti perchè sono spessi, ma se li vedete scurire troppo abbassate la temperatura.
Quando saranno pronti state attente nello spostarli, perchè sono friabilissimi!
* Riflessioni zuccherose *
Non c'è altro da dire se non che questi biscotti vi sorprenderanno fin dal primo morso, si sciolgono letteralmente in bocca e creano dipendenza, io vi ho avvertiti! =)
- English Version -
First you have to sift the yolks. Choose a tightly- woven sieve, otherwise you'll be hours and hours and the yolk won’t sift easily (based on a true story).
Put together flour, corn flour, salt, vanilla and the butter cut into small pieces. You have to behave as you would for any other shortbread pastry, so stir the butter into the flour just with your fingertips, to avoid heating it too much, to form the "cornflakes-sized pieces", as Jamie Oliver would say.
- English Version -
I declare officially started my diet, I feel that writing it in a public place (albeit virtual) will help me to understand it.
But don’t worry, sweets and desserts will be present thank to pictures taken when I pretended I didn’t know the balance. Now that I realize, this period is probably the cause of the sad statement of welcome said the moment before =P
But don’t worry, sweets and desserts will be present thank to pictures taken when I pretended I didn’t know the balance. Now that I realize, this period is probably the cause of the sad statement of welcome said the moment before =P
In any case, the cookies in the picture are “canestrelli”, I swear, but I hadn’t their special flower-shaped cutter and then I turned them into round, but I swear it's them!
The recipe is from her blog and has been a discovery: I was used to put boiled eggs only in salads! But I was wasting the chance to have a crispness in biscuits that you can’t get in any other way, try it!
The recipe is from her blog and has been a discovery: I was used to put boiled eggs only in salads! But I was wasting the chance to have a crispness in biscuits that you can’t get in any other way, try it!
Canestrelli recipe (taken from the blog "Chi ha rubato le crostate")
300 g of butter
125g icing sugar
250g flour
250g corn flour
5 egg yolks hard-boiled
300 g of butter
125g icing sugar
250g flour
250g corn flour
5 egg yolks hard-boiled
2g of salt
1 g of vanilla extract
Recipe for the frosting (it’s completely optional, mine was just an experiment on a few cookies, I left the others without anything on the top, because they’re born to be enjoyed just with a generous sprinkling of icing sugar)
200 grams icing sugar
6 tablespoons water
red dye powder
1 g of vanilla extract
Recipe for the frosting (it’s completely optional, mine was just an experiment on a few cookies, I left the others without anything on the top, because they’re born to be enjoyed just with a generous sprinkling of icing sugar)
200 grams icing sugar
6 tablespoons water
red dye powder
First you have to sift the yolks. Choose a tightly- woven sieve, otherwise you'll be hours and hours and the yolk won’t sift easily (based on a true story).
Put together flour, corn flour, salt, vanilla and the butter cut into small pieces. You have to behave as you would for any other shortbread pastry, so stir the butter into the flour just with your fingertips, to avoid heating it too much, to form the "cornflakes-sized pieces", as Jamie Oliver would say.
At this point add the sugar and the sifted egg, compact and press the dough for the pastry. I know, there are no liquids to combine the ingredients, but have faith! Like all the shortbread it goes in the fridge for half an hour, at which time you may want to prepare the icing that you see in the picture and for which you just whisk icing sugar with the water and very little dye.
Preheat oven to 170 degrees.
Put the dough out of the fridge, leave it there to make it relax and roll it out onto a floured board. You want it to be at least an inch, because if I can have the shape of the flower, at least I want the thickness of these special cookies! =)
At this point form the cookies with the shape you like.
Bake at half height of the oven for about 20 minutes and be patient, they cook a little longer than many other biscuits because they are thick, but if they get too dark, turn down the temperature.
When they are ready move them careful, because they are crumbly!
* More Sugar than Sense Reflections *
Not much else to say except that these cookies will surprise you from the first bite, they literally melt in your mouth and are addictive, I warn you! =)
Preheat oven to 170 degrees.
Put the dough out of the fridge, leave it there to make it relax and roll it out onto a floured board. You want it to be at least an inch, because if I can have the shape of the flower, at least I want the thickness of these special cookies! =)
At this point form the cookies with the shape you like.
Bake at half height of the oven for about 20 minutes and be patient, they cook a little longer than many other biscuits because they are thick, but if they get too dark, turn down the temperature.
When they are ready move them careful, because they are crumbly!
* More Sugar than Sense Reflections *
Not much else to say except that these cookies will surprise you from the first bite, they literally melt in your mouth and are addictive, I warn you! =)
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