Questi scones hanno una storia dietro che conserverò per sempre con me: la storia di una bella amicizia nata così, tra una parola d' inglese e una rivista di cucina. Quando sono arrivata a Cambridge avevo mille paure, paura di non trovare il residence dove avrei alloggiato, paura di non individuare la strada per andare a scuola (quando mi hanno creata avevano esaurito il senso dell’orientamento purtroppo!).. ma soprattutto paura di non riuscire a fare amicizia. Con la mia lingua so di cavarmela con giochi di parole e battute di spirito, dopo che ho conosciuto una persona per un po’, ma in un’altra lingua? Effettivamente quando poi ho preso confidenza con la guardiana del residence, Danielle, (di cui ho parlato qui) mi ha confessato che era davvero convinta io non parlassi inglese at all! E invece io ero solo, come dire, pietrificata da un po’ tutto.
Il lunedì seguente però ho deciso che dovevo darmi una smossa, la posta in gioco era troppo alta in quel momento: rimanere completamente isolata per tre mesi!
Ero talmente determinata da risultare forse anche un po’ aggressiva, e quando ho visto una ragazza molto ordinata, precisa e disponibile, ho pensato di aver individuato la mia preda, quindi dopo un primo scambio di saluti e presentazioni, qualche giorno dopo le ho chiesto il suo numero di telefono.. oddio, fa molto scena romantica, ma avete capito cosa intendo!
E così ho scoperto che ama la cucina e pasticciare come me (ma lei pasticcia molto meno perché è una persona molto precisa.. è tedesca e vive in svizzera, credo questo parli da sé =P). Ammetto che non è stato facile ottenere la sua fiducia e farla parlare di sé, ma se ho imparato una cosa su di me e che mi impegno così tanto che alla fine la gente capitola e si apre.. forse vinco per sfinimento, ma a me piace pensare che invece è perché dopotutto pensano valga la pena di buttarsi in una nuova amicizia =)
Abbiamo passato interi pomeriggi sedute nelle varie caffetterie di Cambridge a leggere riviste di cucina e assaggiare dolci tipici, parlando dei piani futuri e delle nostre vite. In quei momenti mi sono sentita davvero benedetta, perché erano tutte cose che sognavo da sempre e mi è sembrato di vivere proprio un bel romanzo..
Un’altra passione che condividevamo erano le lunghissime passeggiate.. e solo io potevo dire si ad una “passeggiata ” dopo scuola, di un’ora, tra i campi inglesi e le mucche! Ma ne è valsa la pena sia per i panorami bellissimi sia per la Tea Room dove mi ha portato, dove prima di me hanno goduto del rito del tè personaggi come Virginia Woolf! Ero emozionatissima! E lì ho assaggiato la Victoria Sponge Cake e questi meravigliosi scones con la raspberry jam ( che poi è marmellata di lamponi, ed io l’ho scoperta lì, che ci volete fare) e la clotted cream ( che si ottiene frustando appena più a lungo la panna fresca, prima che diventi burro per intenderci). Io mi sono innamorata di questi panini fragranti (merito del burro, ma probabilmente non sarebbe una ricetta inglese senza..) che non sono troppo dolci e che potreste pensare di proporre in versione salata semplicemente omettendo i frutti rossi o l’uva passa!
Fatemi sapere!
Ricetta per gli Scones (tratta dal libro " Jamie's Great Britain" di Jamie Oliver, con le mie modifiche tra parentesi)
150 gr frutta disidratata, come uva passa, mirtilli blu, rossi, ciliegie (io ho messo mirtilli rossi surgelati)
succo d'arancia per far rinvenire la suddetta frutta ( avendo usato prodotti surgelati, ho scelto di non usarlo)
150 gr burro freddo (io solo 100 gr)
500 gr farina autolievitante, più un altro pò per stendere la pasta
2 cucchiaini di lievito
2 cucchiai colmi di zucchero di canna
2 uova
4 cucchiai di latte ( io ne ho messo tanto quanto bastava a creare un composto umido e un pò appiccioso)
clotted cream e marmellata ( io stavolta ho scelto burro e marmellata)
una bella manciata di sale
Mettete la frutta nel succo d'arancia per un paio d'ore e preriscaldate il forno a 250° C.
Ora, quello che mi preme è che ricordiate che meno toccate l'impasto, meglio verranno, quindi procedete velocemente e senza troppi complimenti =)
Unite la farina con il lievito, lo zucchero, il sale e il burro a tocchetti e impastare solo con i polpastrelli fino a creare dei fiocchettoni di pasta.
Fatevi spazio al centro dell'impasto e aggiungete le uova, il latte e la frutta (sgoccialata se l'avete prima immersa nell'arancia) e mescolate con una spatola. Dovete ottenere un impasto umido e morbido. E' già finito! Veloce eh? Dimenticatelo in frigo per 15 minuti e riprendetelo per stenderlo ad uno spessore di 3 cm, non di meno, mi raccomando! Tagliateli con un coppapasta e bagnateli con un pò di latte o burro fuso e dritti in forno fino a quando non saranno belli gonfi e dorati (ah..che poesia..).
Se non volete cuocerli tutti, dopo aver dato loro la forma avvolgeteli singolarmente in pellicola trasparente e metteteli in freezer. Quando vi serviranno metteteli direttamente in forno e in 20 minuti saranno pronti!
* Riflessioni zuccherose *
Questi scones sono fragranti e profumatissimi, credo siano magici perchè mangiati con un velo di burro o clotted cream e la vostra marmellata preferita restituiscono dolcemente il gusto del burro con tanta dolcezza e quel pizzico di salato che rende tutto più interessante!
- English Version -
These scones have a story behind that I will keep with me forever: the story of a beautiful friendship born between an English word and a cooking magazine.
When I went to Cambridge I had a thousand fears: I was afraid not to find the residence where I stayed or the road to go to school (unfortunately when I was created, they had sold out the sense of direction!) .. but above all I was afraid of not being able to make friends. In Italian I’m quite nice and funny, but in another language? In fact, the guardian's residence, Danielle, (which I mentioned here) told me that at the beginning she was really convinced I didn’t speak English at all! But I was only, let’s say, petrified!
However, the following Monday I decided I be brave, otherwise I would have been completely isolated for three months!
I was so determined as to be perhaps a little aggressive, so when I saw a girl very orderly, accurate and helpful, I thought I had found my quarry, and then after a first exchange of greetings and presentations, a few days later I asked her phone number .. Oh God, it seems a very romantic scene, but you know what I mean!
I discovered that she loves cooking and mess like me (but she messed up a lot less because she is very precise .. she is German and lives in Switzerland, I think this speaks for itself = P). I admit that it was not easy to get her confidence and make her talk about herself, but if I learned one thing about me this is that I “work” so much people eventually just capitulates.. Perhaps I win because of exhaustion, but I like thinking that instead it is because they think it worth jumping into a new friend after all =)
We spent whole afternoons sitting in different cafes of Cambridge to read magazines and taste desserts, talking about future plans and our lives. In those moments I felt really blessed, because they were all things I dreamed of and I always seemed to live just a good novel ..
Another passion that we shared were the long walks .. and I was the only one who could agree to a "walk" after school, that meant an hour between English fields and cows! But it was worth it for both the beautiful scenery and the Tea Room where she brought me, where before even Virginia Woolf enjoyed the tea ritual! I was so excited! And there I tasted the Victoria Sponge Cake and these wonderful scones with raspberry jam (which I have discovered there, no comments) and clotted cream (whipping fresh cream, stopping just before it becomes butter). I'm in love with these crunchy “rolls” (the crispness is given by butter, but probably would not be an English recipe without it..) that are not too sweet and you might think to bring in savory version by simply omitting the red fruit or raisins!
Let me know!
I was so determined as to be perhaps a little aggressive, so when I saw a girl very orderly, accurate and helpful, I thought I had found my quarry, and then after a first exchange of greetings and presentations, a few days later I asked her phone number .. Oh God, it seems a very romantic scene, but you know what I mean!
I discovered that she loves cooking and mess like me (but she messed up a lot less because she is very precise .. she is German and lives in Switzerland, I think this speaks for itself = P). I admit that it was not easy to get her confidence and make her talk about herself, but if I learned one thing about me this is that I “work” so much people eventually just capitulates.. Perhaps I win because of exhaustion, but I like thinking that instead it is because they think it worth jumping into a new friend after all =)
We spent whole afternoons sitting in different cafes of Cambridge to read magazines and taste desserts, talking about future plans and our lives. In those moments I felt really blessed, because they were all things I dreamed of and I always seemed to live just a good novel ..
Another passion that we shared were the long walks .. and I was the only one who could agree to a "walk" after school, that meant an hour between English fields and cows! But it was worth it for both the beautiful scenery and the Tea Room where she brought me, where before even Virginia Woolf enjoyed the tea ritual! I was so excited! And there I tasted the Victoria Sponge Cake and these wonderful scones with raspberry jam (which I have discovered there, no comments) and clotted cream (whipping fresh cream, stopping just before it becomes butter). I'm in love with these crunchy “rolls” (the crispness is given by butter, but probably would not be an English recipe without it..) that are not too sweet and you might think to bring in savory version by simply omitting the red fruit or raisins!
Let me know!
Scones recipe from Jamie Oliver's book "Jamie's Great Britain" with my changes in parenthesis)
150 g dried fruit like raisins, blueberries , cranberries, cherries (I used frozen cranberries)
orange juice (I chose not to use it with frozen fruit )
150 g cold butter (I put 100 gr)
500 g self raising flour, plus extra for dusting
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 eggs
4 tablespoons milk (I have taken a little bit more, enough to create a soft dough)
clotted cream and jam (I chose butter this time)
a good pinch of salt
Put the fruit in orange juice for a couple of hours and preheat oven to 250 ° C.
Now, what I would like you to remember is that the less you touch the dough, the better , then proceed quickly !
Mix the flour with the baking powder, sugar, salt and butter in small pieces and mix only with the fingertips to create cornflakes-sized pieces.
Make a well in the center of the dough and add the eggs, milk and fruit (dried if you put it in orange juice) and stir with a spatula. You should get a moist and soft dough. It 's already over! Fast, isn’t it? Forget it in the fridge for 15 minutes and roll it out on a floured surface until is about 3 cm thick, not less, please! Cut with a round cutter or a glass. Brush the top with milk or melted butter and bake until rise and golden (ah.. what a poetry ..).
If you do not want to bake them all, after giving them the shape, wrap them individually in plastic wrap and place in freezer. When you want them, put them directly in the oven and will be ready in 20 minutes!
* More Sugar than Sense Reflections *
These scones are fragrant and smell so good! I think they are magical because eaten with a layer of butter or clotted cream and your favorite jam, they gently return the taste of butter with such sweetness and a touch of salt that makes everything more interesting!
orange juice (I chose not to use it with frozen fruit )
150 g cold butter (I put 100 gr)
500 g self raising flour, plus extra for dusting
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 eggs
4 tablespoons milk (I have taken a little bit more, enough to create a soft dough)
clotted cream and jam (I chose butter this time)
a good pinch of salt
Put the fruit in orange juice for a couple of hours and preheat oven to 250 ° C.
Now, what I would like you to remember is that the less you touch the dough, the better , then proceed quickly !
Mix the flour with the baking powder, sugar, salt and butter in small pieces and mix only with the fingertips to create cornflakes-sized pieces.
Make a well in the center of the dough and add the eggs, milk and fruit (dried if you put it in orange juice) and stir with a spatula. You should get a moist and soft dough. It 's already over! Fast, isn’t it? Forget it in the fridge for 15 minutes and roll it out on a floured surface until is about 3 cm thick, not less, please! Cut with a round cutter or a glass. Brush the top with milk or melted butter and bake until rise and golden (ah.. what a poetry ..).
If you do not want to bake them all, after giving them the shape, wrap them individually in plastic wrap and place in freezer. When you want them, put them directly in the oven and will be ready in 20 minutes!
* More Sugar than Sense Reflections *
These scones are fragrant and smell so good! I think they are magical because eaten with a layer of butter or clotted cream and your favorite jam, they gently return the taste of butter with such sweetness and a touch of salt that makes everything more interesting!
Ti ammiro per come sei riuscita a fare amicizia!! Sei l'opposto di me:-)) Dovrei davvero prendere esempio da te... complimenti per gli scones, sono i miei dolci preferiti!! Un abbraccio e buonissima serata
RispondiEliminaSai, quando sei completamente sola il coraggio esce fuori =)) davvero gli scones sono i tuoi dolci preferiti?? Anche i miei!!
EliminaBuon weekend e a presto!
Thank you for being yyou