Così, tanto perché il telefono azzurro bussi alla mia porta, vi racconterò di quella volta che ho fatto prendere un infarto ad una bambina di nove anni, a me medesima affidata.
Correva l’estate del 2009 ed io ero tutta gasata perchè di lì a poco sarei partita per Roma a trovare la mia migliore amica, ed avevo bisogno di un paio di cose prima della partenza.
Mia nipote quella mattina era stata lasciata a casa mia dalla sua incauta madre ed io ero stata lasciata sola dalla mia incauta madre.
All’inizio ci siamo divertite come sceme a fare shopping (fa comodo avere una zia più grande di te di soli 12 anni), poi torniamo a casa e lei mi fa “zia, vado a fare la doccia” ed io “ok, io metto sul fuoco la ceretta”.
Dopo un po’ mi urla dal bagno “ziaaa, mi aiutiii???!!!”, io mi allontano dalla ceretta e… c’è bisogno che continui? Si, meglio di si, perché non è come immaginate.. è PEGGIO.
Dicevo, la raggiungo in bagno e la aiuto ad asciugarsi, nel frattempo le dico “quasi quasi faccio anche io la doccia, tu vai di là a vedere la tv”. Esce.
E poi l’urlo.
E lì un lampo -“LA CERETTA!!!!!!!!!”-.
Il pentolino era leggermente in fiamme (per fortuna solo quello e nient’altro, diciamo che si stava allegramente abbrustolendo per i fatti suoi) ed io, in un momento di particolare maturità e prontezza di spirito, guardando la bimba grido “VAI A CHIAMARE AIUTO!!!”.
Alla fine ho aperto la porta di casa e c'era un mio vicino richiamato dalle urla (io, ricordiamolo al gentile pubblico, ero in mutande e top che mi stavo apprestando a fare la doccia).
Lui mi segue in cucina e … non c’erano più fiamme!
-“ Ma.. è solo un po’ di fumo..”- dice guardandomi con compassione.
Oltre lo spavento, pure per pazza in mutande sono passata (non che non me lo meriti) =P
Ecco questi pizza cupcakes sono per la serata che ho passato con lei, guardando Rapunzel e ricordando tutti gli infarti che le ho fatto prendere (eh si, perché ce ne sono altri..).
L’idea l’ho presa dal suo blog, rivisitandola poi con mie dosi ed ingredienti.
Buon appetito!
Ricetta dell’impasto dei muffin-pizza (idea tratta dal blog “Anemone’s corner”)
1 kg di farina auto lievitante
600 gr acqua
8 cucchiai di olio
un pizzico di sale
Impastare tutti gli ingredienti per dieci minuti buoni.
Per l’interno io ho messo salsa di pomodoro, mozzarella e melanzane arrostite, ma le possibilità sono ovviamente infinite!
- English Version -
Just to have the children helpline knocking on my door, I will tell you about the time I did get a heart attack to a nine years-old girl.
It was the summer of 2009 and I was really happy because shortly thereafter I had to leave for Rome to see my best friend, and I needed a couple of things before departure.
My niece had been left at home by his misguided mother and I had been left at home by my misguided mother.
At first we had fun shopping (it is convenient to have an aunt just 12 years older than you, isn’t it?), then we went home and she said me "Auntie, I'm going to take a shower" and I answered "ok, I I put the wax on the fire. "
After a while, she yelled from the bathroom "can you help mee??!", I turn away from waxing and ... have to keep on? Maybe I have, because it is not as you imagine .. is WORSE.
I reached the bathroom and helped her to dry up, in the meantime I say "I’ll take a shower as well, you go to watch TV."
And then the cry.
And there a flash - "THE WAX!!!" -.
The pot was slightly fire (fortunately only that and nothing else, let’s say that it was cheerfully roasting on it’s own) and I, in a moment of great maturity and presence of mind, watching the baby cry "GO TO CALL HELP ! ".
- "HEEELP!" -
At the end I opened the door and there was one of my neighbors ( I was still in shorts and tops ‘cause I was preparing to take a shower).
He followed me into the kitchen and ... there were no more flames!
- "It’s just a little bit of smoke .. "- said looking at me with compassion.
Besides fear, I will always be considered crazy (but I deserve it) = P
These pizza cupcakes are for the evening I spent with my niece, watching Rapunzel and remembering all the crazy things I made.
It was the summer of 2009 and I was really happy because shortly thereafter I had to leave for Rome to see my best friend, and I needed a couple of things before departure.
My niece had been left at home by his misguided mother and I had been left at home by my misguided mother.
At first we had fun shopping (it is convenient to have an aunt just 12 years older than you, isn’t it?), then we went home and she said me "Auntie, I'm going to take a shower" and I answered "ok, I I put the wax on the fire. "
After a while, she yelled from the bathroom "can you help mee??!", I turn away from waxing and ... have to keep on? Maybe I have, because it is not as you imagine .. is WORSE.
I reached the bathroom and helped her to dry up, in the meantime I say "I’ll take a shower as well, you go to watch TV."
And then the cry.
And there a flash - "THE WAX!!!" -.
The pot was slightly fire (fortunately only that and nothing else, let’s say that it was cheerfully roasting on it’s own) and I, in a moment of great maturity and presence of mind, watching the baby cry "GO TO CALL HELP ! ".
- "HEEELP!" -
At the end I opened the door and there was one of my neighbors ( I was still in shorts and tops ‘cause I was preparing to take a shower).
He followed me into the kitchen and ... there were no more flames!
- "It’s just a little bit of smoke .. "- said looking at me with compassion.
Besides fear, I will always be considered crazy (but I deserve it) = P
These pizza cupcakes are for the evening I spent with my niece, watching Rapunzel and remembering all the crazy things I made.
The idea comes from her blog, then I decided doses and ingredients.
Pizza-dough recipe for muffins (idea taken from the blog "Anemone's Corner")
1 kg self raising flour
600 g water
8 tablespoons of olive oil
a pinch of salt
Knead all the ingredients for at least ten minutes.
Pizza-dough recipe for muffins (idea taken from the blog "Anemone's Corner")
1 kg self raising flour
600 g water
8 tablespoons of olive oil
a pinch of salt
Knead all the ingredients for at least ten minutes.
For the inside I put tomato sauce, mozzarella and roasted eggplants, but of course the possibilities are endless!
Il tuo racconto mi ha strappato il primo sorriso della giornata! va, dai!!! Comunque ottimi i tuoi pizza-cup!!! ciao.
RispondiElimina@Serena: Davvero? Sono contenta!!!
RispondiElimina@Max: Grazie mille Max!
ihihih sei davvero simpaticissima.
RispondiEliminaDevono essere buonissimi questi pizza cupcakes
mi sono unita ai tuoi sostenitori con piacere, passa da me se ti va
complimenti idea origginalissima
RispondiElimina@Rosalba: grazie mille! Passo anche io con piacere "da te"! =)
RispondiElimina@Giovanna: grazie Giovanna, sono sempre contentissima quando un'idea piace! =)
Buoni Buoni davvero non so e come se li avessi già provati!!!!
RispondiEliminasicuramente è un 'idea più originale di quella della solita pizza ........ senza mancargli di rispetto !!!
Sai che ti dico : ti potrebbero eleggere " Maga idee"
Hi great reading yoour blog